When you decide to use magic spells to change your life and love life as a whole, you might still have some questions. If this is the first time you’ve ever used a spell or the first time you’ve even admitted that you know what a spell is, it can be a little overwhelming. You want to know that this magic stuff works and that you will get what you want. And you want to know if it’s like how it’s shown in the movies…or not.
Magic is Real…When You Believe in it
First things first, magic does not look like Harry Potter or Charmed in real life. Spells are energetic workings that connect with the energy of the universe, but they’re a bit lower-key than you’ve been led to believe. And speaking of believing, you need to be 100% committed to a spell working for it to work. When you trust in the magic to work, the universe can see that and will align the outcome with your belief.
Of course, you might have moments when you aren’t confident (and these will happen!), but when you can bring yourself back to believing in magic, you are going to see results much more quickly. It’s when you don’t believe in the spell that things may not turn out the way you want them to. After all, if you turn your nose at magic, why should it help you?
Magic is Real…When You Work at it
And to be clear, you can’t just do a spell, walk away, and hope that things will work. Once you trust in the spell, you also need to do some work. If you’re looking for love, you need to get out of your bedroom and out into the world to meet the right person. If you’re looking to have more money in your life, you need to evaluate your spending habits and make sure you’re not blowing your budget. If you want to lose weight, you need to stay away from the cake and cookies for a while.
Yes, magic will allow you to get the things you want, but if you’re acting as though nothing has changed, you are negating the energy of the spell. Commit to what you want and help the spell get you to where you want to go.
Magic Spells are Real…when you Trust in Them
You also need to trust magic to do what it needs to do. This might mean the way it all turns out is not the way you expected. You might find true love in your ex-boyfriend, or you might find out that you’re losing your job…so you can be available for a better one. No matter what happens, you need to trust that magic knows what is best for you. It will listen to what you want, and it will deliver, but it might not happen in the timeframe you expected, and it might not be in the way you expected.
Spells do work when you are committed to being a part of the magic too. Remember, when you call out into the universe that you want something, you are then bound to what happens next. You are bound in the magic, and in the ways, it will touch different parts of your life.
You are the one who can make things happen, and you are the one who can stop things from happening. You need to believe in what’s about to happen, remember that you still need to take action, and you need to trust in the universe’s wisdom. It sounds like hard work, to be sure, but isn’t it worth it when you can finally get what you’ve always wanted in your life?
And so it is with magic and spell casting. The results are not instantaneous, it is unlikely you will wish for money in the morning and have achieved a large check in the afternoon. But spells can, and often for reasons unknown, work to your desires.
Be reasonable. Be sensible. Be careful in your choices. Remember that magic spells are a religion that requires a good amount of moral self-governing. Then apply faith to the situation. Not only in those casting a spell on your behalf but also in the world around you and the power of the earth and the forces of nature. Do not take these gifts for granted, and let the magic work in your favor.