3 Spells to break curses

Spells to break curses are very effective rituals to remove negative energies such as bad luck, witchcraft, Hex, and black magic spells using positive spirits {ancestors spiritual powers} of white magic cause curses and spells have the power to impose invisible barriers in someone’s life such that the person works so hard but gets so little results. They can also affect someone’s health, business, and relationship in a very negative way

Spell for breaking curses intends to provide a spiritual cleansing to combat the forces of evil and to break curses and enchantments of black magic also known as dark magic. When we talk dark magic is the use of negativity and envy to perform negative enchantments or curses, so for this reason, it is important to banish or expel negative spells.

Spells to break curses in your love life

Break all curses that have been made over your life, curses that are now limiting the flow and manifestation of God’s blessings in your life. Reverse all spells that have been cast on your life, spells that are working so hard spiritually to destroy you by making you act in ways that are not right. Destroy all kinds of invisible barriers that pose a limitation in your life pursuit. Command the blessing and favors of the ancestors into your life, family, and business.

How Long Will It Take To Know If The Curse Is Broken?

In many cases, you may feel the curse or hex has been lifted immediately after performing one of the suggestions from above. Other times, you might not notice a difference right away. Generally, if you still feel like you’re hexed or cursed after a full moon cycle (28 days) has passed, then it’s time to try again or try something new. After the curse is broken, you should cleanse yourself to remove any lingering bad energy from yourself and your house. You might also want to look into enchantments or spells to protect yourself that you can put around you and your home as well, to prevent something similar from happening again.

How To Break A Hex or black magic

Are you feeling weighed down and exhausted, as if there is a dark cloud looming around your head? Someone may have hexed you! Hexing is an old form of witchcraft used to cause harm or misfortune to a person by magical means.

That said, it’s very improbable that you’ve been cursed. For this to happen, someone would have to possess a few things: the knowledge and materials to do so, a tag lock of some kind, and some incredibly ill intent directed your way. So, how do you know if someone has placed a curse on you?

This spell will eliminate any black magic curses or spells cast unto you, whether real or imaginary.

Make a cone-shaped doll, using white felt or other white material. Fill the doll with vetiver grass, and put it on your altar. Inscribe your name on a purple candle and anoint the candle with an appropriate oil (I use patchouli oil, but there are other formulas and other magical oils that can work very well).

Now visualize as hard as you can, the hex that is affecting you. Feel the power and the effect it has had on you. Take a handful of garlic powder and sprinkle it on the dummy as you visualize how the spell or hex is broken. Put as much feeling and emotion into this process as possible. Now relax, let the candle burn completely. Once the candle is consumed, it is done. The spell is broken. So be it.

What is a Generational Curse?

A generational curse is the cumulative effect on a person of things that their ancestors did, believed, or practiced in the past, and a consequence of an ancestor’s actions, beliefs, and sins being passed down.”
Our families’ history and baggage impact who we are as people. You may consider your family a blessing or consider them a burden because of the long history of negative traits they’ve passed down.

Signs You May Be Cursed or Hexed

Are you Wondering if a curse or hex could be causing trouble in your life? Here are some common signs:

  • Feeling like you’re stuck in an endless stroke of bad luck
  • Experiencing chronic illness or pain with no medical explanation
  • Constant fatigue, depression, anxiety, or suicidal thoughts
  • Relationship turmoil or chronic interpersonal conflicts
  • Other telltale signs include unexplained infertility, financial ruin, and a persistent sense of being haunted or spiritually oppressed. If these issues seem to come out of nowhere and conventional methods aren’t working, a hex or curse could be plaguing you.